Wednesday, June 24, 2009

how to beat BIG NATE ISLAND

how to beat BIG NATE ISLAND 1. go into pop-in shoppe, go upstairs climb the ladder and and collect the comic piece. 2. go to klassic komix next door and talk to the man. he'll give you the title to the comic. 3. go outside and run right. when you get to the third pole jump up it to the top, a puzzle piece is there. 4. go right, to the school, go all the way right and climb that painting thing, collect the comic piece. 5. go inside the school. go upstairs then get that comic piece on the speaker. 6. go in the science lab. go left and jump on the desk, the supplies shelf then get the comic piece on the planet. 7. click on the burner next to Nate with the glass on it 8. turn the temperature to 2, then pour in half blue, half yellow to make green. you have a stink bomb. 9. go right to the playground. get to the top and go in the kids only shack. 10. go right and play go to jail, if you when Nate with give you Pb crackers. 11.go to the left and play table football if you want, it's not necessary. 12. go right to puffin point. on the light house climb at least 7 steps, jumps to get the old picture. 13. jump all the way on top and get the comic piece. 14. look the telescope. move it right until you see the paper under the rock. 15. go back to the playground, jump on the shack and get the comic piece. 16. go to main street.go in say cheese 17. go to the right and get the last comic piece on top of the camera. 18. go to the left and trade the camera man your old picture for his scubba gear. 19. go to puffin point. put on the scubba gear and talk to cap'n salty. 20. quickly go to the bottom right corner and there's the lobster trap. 21. give him the trp and he'll let you keep the lobster. climb up the light house and go to the light. 22. go to the lobster in your inventory and do use. 23. get on a jet ski and beat Nate. on the big rock move the two seals to the left side. 24. click on the map. go back...then go to main street. 25. go to klassic komix and put the comic together. 26. here's how it goes: um excuse me. hm? I'm new here of lost.ah.nate wright at your service dude!where do you need to go? I'm trying to find the art room. art room. gotcha. stand right there and don't move.but... klik.fooooooooooooooooom!well? you overshot. he reached the nurses office. dang!..which is probably a good place for him to end up. 27. when you finish it click the man. he gives you gum. 28. go to school. go upstairs and click on the open locker. the combo is Nine, three, zero, five. 29. go back to the locker and look through the trash on the floor. 30. chew some gum. when you get in detention, use the stink bomb. 31. when the teacher leaves go to the cabinet click it and go down. 32. jump down and turn on the light. jump on the table and get the bell clapper. 33. leave the secret room, detention, the school and go the roof. 34. use the bell clapper. 35. go to the playground.go where the girls were standing and use your PB crackers. 36. the dog will bury it and there's the time capsule!!! 37. dig it out and open it. 38. go to the school and get your medallion!!!!:)

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