Monday, June 29, 2009

how to beat NABOOTI ISLAND

how to beat NABOOTI ISLAND

1. go in the museum. 2. go down and talk to the girl by the statue. 3. get in the plane and go to blue nile falls. find the flower 4. find the girl with the chicken and the fox. 5. help her get everything across. get the chicken to the other side. get the fox and bring it to the other side then put the chicken back in and back to the other side. bring the food over to the fox, he won't eat it, then bring the chicken back. 6. go in the hidden cave.slowly get to every piece of rock to the other side. 7. collect the purple jewel. 8. leave the cave. fly to mountains of the moon 9. cross the water when you see the second gazelle let it knock you up. 10. climb up the trees and to the girl. get the fig. 11. climb the mountain to the old man and play mancala. beat him do you can go in the cave. 12. in the cave, find the cell phone at the bottom. 13. find the red jewel to the far right 14. go back to nabooti 15. trade the girl in orange your lilley for a turban, put it on 16. go to giza 17. talk to the first guy 18. use your cell phone to call the nuber on the shovel, 555-6789 then push the green phone 19. the guy will go in his tent, look in his bag 20. climb to he top of the pyrimid and use your moon stone 21. go in the door 22. go to the rectangle on the wall and click it until all the pieces are like this - - - - 23. run across them to the other side 24. when you find all those blocks, put them in the order it shows below. 25. when you put it together, jump through the opening 26. now there are big rows of blocks. here's the order you jump on them so you don't fall. a head, a circle thing with a zig-zag under it, a bird with a cane, and an eye. 27.climb the rope. when you get up there, there are twoo big statues. go to the fourth pole and pull the switch. then go to the second, the third and the fourth. but you have to hurry before all the sand falls. 28. go to the mummy and get the blue jewel 29. go back down the rope and jump on the brick things so you fall 30. go left and leave 31. fly to kaya forests 32. jump o nthe second hut to get the gold nugget out the tree. 33. use your fig so the turtle will come eat it. 34. go to where it was and do use with your shovel 35. fly back to nabooti after you have the ebony elephant 36. trade your elephant to the girl in purple and trade the gold to the guy 37. fly back ot kaya forests and give the ghost the fingo, he'll give you the green jewel 38. fly to safari 39. go to big zeke by the truck 40. take the pictures for him 41. to the far left there's a bird in that tree, below that theres a lion, right of that is a zebra, more right there's a giraffe, in the river there's a crocadile(or alligator), right theres a elephant, and down there's a gazelle . 42. Zeke will be happy with the pictures and give you a work hat because he doesn't have money. 43. go to diamond mines and put on the hat 44. jump over the hill and go to tyhe machine on the far right, click the nob 45. quickly run back on top of the hill and jump on the brown and blue thing. then jump on the oil can to get over the fence 46. go left and jump up the tracks. watch out for the carts 47. when you get down the shaft push the green button. 48. push the can of oil to the big rock on the right then push the green button, it'll explode. 49. push the green button again then get a new oil can and push it all the way to the right and push the green button. 50. go right and push the cart so it goes down and jump on it 51. jump when it tells you to and duck when you need to until you get to the other side 52. jump up to the rock with the diamonds on it, from the top going down it's the fourth one on it's side. click take when you find it with the magnifying glass. 53. jump up the hole. 54. fly to nabooti and go in the museum. 55. talk to the girl by the statue 56. put the jewels in order on the statue purple, green, red, white, blue 57. now the girl will give you your medallion!!!:)